A downloadable adventure

Sir Aldric the Bold, Dame Alice the Blessed, Sir Alberg the Clever, and Dame Astrid the Mysterious are the greatest knights in the Barony of Brunswick.  They live together in Castle Blackmere, at the Barony's north border.  However, recently, fleeing servants report shadows and darkness overcoming the castle.  The Baron offers 4,000 coins to anyone willing to investigate.  That's you!

Towers of Shadow is an introductory adventure for 1st level characters, made to give new adventurers a starting point in their careers.  By the end of it, PC's should have all the equipment they need to specialize their characters, and the GM should be well situated to launch future adventures.

Author: Ivan Richmond, art by: Noah Fischer

YT: https://www.youtube.com/@dragondreams5503

Updated 7 days ago
Published 10 days ago
AuthorIvan Richmond
GenreRole Playing
Tagsknave, OSR, Tabletop role-playing game


Towers of Shadow.pdf 1.3 MB

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